Elementor Source Code Widget

If you are writing a tutorial or documentation and want to show code snippets to your visitors, you can use this widget to display them in the text. The HT Mega Elementor Source Code widget helps you to show code snippets in a user-friendly way

Elementor Source Code Widget


With the Source Code widget, you can display any language code snippet on your website

Section shape One
                var jp = 'Red';
$('.target').on('click', function() {

$('.remove').on('click', function() {

$('.addClass').on('click', function() {

$('.remove').on('click', function() {

$('.target').on('click', function() {

HT Mega Source Code Widget


The Source Code widget allows you to display any language code snippet

Section shape One
                /* Typography Style */
*::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
  font-size: 15px;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;
  line-height: 1.75;
  position: relative;
  visibility: visible;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  color: #696969;
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: top center;

.container {
  max-width: 1200px;

.bg-gray {
  background-color: #F6F6F6;

.section-space-ptb {
  padding: 120px 0 90px;

.section-space-pt {
  padding-top: 120px;

.section-space-pb {
  padding-bottom: 90px;

Elementor Source Code Addon


Source Code widget helps you to show code snippets in your website

Section shape One
                /* Typography Style */
*::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
  font-size: 15px;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;
  line-height: 1.75;
  position: relative;
  visibility: visible;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  color: #696969;
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: top center;

.container {
  max-width: 1200px;

.bg-gray {
  background-color: #F6F6F6;

.section-space-ptb {
  padding: 120px 0 90px;

.section-space-pt {
  padding-top: 120px;

.section-space-pb {
  padding-bottom: 90px;

Source Code Addon for Elementor


Source Code widget helps you to show code snippets in a user-friendly way

Section shape One
                <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <h1>Hello, Hero Text 1</h1>
        <h2>Hello, Hero Text 2</h2>
        <h3>Hello, Hero Text 3</h3>
        <h4>Hello, Hero Text 4</h4>
        <h5>Hello, Hero Text 5</h5>
        <h6>Hello, Hero Text 6</h6>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur,
          autem rem quam hic reprehenderit exercitationem nemo eius? Sit!</p>


HT Mega Source Code Widget


Using the Source Code widget, you can display code snippets on your website

Section shape One
                /* Typography Style */
*::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
  font-size: 15px;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;
  line-height: 1.75;
  position: relative;
  visibility: visible;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  color: #696969;
  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: top center;

.container {
  max-width: 1200px;

.bg-gray {
  background-color: #F6F6F6;

.section-space-ptb {
  padding: 120px 0 90px;

.section-space-pt {
  padding-top: 120px;

.section-space-pb {
  padding-bottom: 90px;

Elementor Source Code Element


Show code snippets on your website with Source Code widget

Section shape One
                // How to change excerpt length
function mytheme_custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
    return 20;
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'mytheme_custom_excerpt_length', 999 );                

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